The vision for the Black Box Press Foundation is to provide resources for the creation of spaces where artists can continue the history of artists as agents of cultural change; using their talents to expand and contribute to conversations, direct resistance, or create reform.

The mission of the Black Box Press Foundation is to support artists in the production of exhibitions that bring together the creative energy of the arts to move us emotionally with the strategic planning of activism necessary to bring about social change.

We see art as a means to connect individuals and call them to action. We celebrate art that challenges individuals to reexamine their everyday lives and their role in their immediate and the global community.
We are committed to supporting work that intends a social impact which includes work that:
impacts we think about ourselves, our society, or our culture by challenging or questioning societal norms including prevailing attitudes about race, class, gender, sexuality, identity, age, and ability;
inspires action when used as a tool or strategy for organizing and movement building;
helps to preserve or reclaim traditional cultural practices or is using an artistic practice as a form of resistance or empowerment; or
transforms perceptions of power, privilege and the dynamics associated with justice, equality, and/or accountability.
We recognize that artists and cultural producers play a central role in building a healthy and vibrant community. We value art that builds community through education, collaboration and activism and challenges the traditional perspectives on art.
We believe it is important to elevate and make more visible the work of artists and cultural producers who are creating work at the nexus of art and social change and commit to using resources to provide a wide variety of opportunities for artists to show work and share their expertise, including exhibitions, peer-to-peer networking, and workshops. We believe that supporting the current generation of artists will stimulate the production of exceptional and inspiring work that will, in turn, kindle the next generation of artists and cultural producers. We value art that goes beyond artistic expression; we value art that educates and motivates change for the future.
We believe that multiple and divergent perspectives stimulate a culture of vitality and hope.
We are committed to operating all of our operations with a high standard of efficiency, responsiveness, effectiveness, and clarity of both purpose and process.
We are committed to helping expand the notion of art beyond the traditional tenets, as well as challenging mainstream ideas about what art is, the artists’ place and their connection to communities, by supporting artists and cultural producers whose work explores new territories, challenges traditions, and offers unique and thought-provoking perspectives.